Feral Focus

ACT Studies of Society and Environment curriculum framework - trial draft 2006

Student outcomes and links to relevant activities

Feral Focus links directly to the following essential learning achievements and is designed for secondary students up to year 10.

Later adolescence band of development - Studies of Society and Environment

Essential Learning Achievement

Students understand and learn about:

Students learn to:

Students develop values and attitudes about:


20 - The student understands about Australia and Australians

  • the interrelationships that exist in the physical environment of Australia
  • people's use of the land in Australia's history and their impact (e.g. Indigenous peoples' use of the land before colonisation, post colonisationsettlers through urbanisation)
  • analyse theories, ideas and arguments about key events in Australia's past

22 - The student understands world events and issues

  • the impact of change and continuity, and cause and effect, on contemporary issues in the world today
  • the actions, motives, values and attitudes of people in the past and their connection to significant world events
  • evaluate and use a wide range of historical sources

  • how the present has been shaped by events and people in the past